Happy birthday sweet boy. 7 years may have passed and I do fine most days, BUT, lately, my heart aches for you like the moments after I just lost you. I miss you so badly. This is always such a bitter sweet day, the day I met you and lost you all at once. I wish I could be a normal mommy to you celebrating in a special way. I can only send my thoughts and prayers your way, which somehow seem empty since my heart is breaking and struggles to find the special words to put together to let you know how precious and how much I love you with no real way of showing you.
I am praying you are having a wonderful birthday, can't even begin to imagine what a celebration is like in HEAVEN. I am sure no Hy-vee bakery cake could compare. I imagine laughter and songs. I imagine warmth on the skin of all around from the bright light from our FATHER. I imagine so much love...from the Trinity and from those there with you. I imagine lots of hugs...
Sending many blessings to you my sweet boy(yes, I know you are 7. But you are still my little boy!!!) Praying that the time between us are just moments for you...until I meet you at the tip of the stars...sending my love to heaven!!!